Baby #2 Postpartum products & tips (c-section focused)
Sep 22, 2022
Postpartum can be HARD! It is a season of adjustment and recovery from everything you just went through in the past 10 months- plus caring for and getting to know a new little human who relies heavily on you for their needs!
I hope I can help make your recovery a little easier with these recommendations! (this post is c-section focused as that is what I went through this go around).
*ALSO: Check out the podcast episode where I go into even more detail HERE*
Products I recommend:
This band helps "hold in" your incision which helps reduce pain and discomfort.
I have heard that this pillow is especially great for c-section. A lot of mommas say it fits just right!
Our bed is on the higher side, and this bassinet fit right beside it for easy access to baby. It's basically co-sleeping the safe way. This was my SAVIOUR for recovery while feeding baby in the middle of the night so that I didn't have to move around with my incision.
If you know, you know. This thing is worth its weight in gold!
Some takeaway tips:
- Try to set up lots of help! With c-sections, you have a limit of what you can lift in weight for 6 weeks. I found the only thing I could really carry was my baby.
- Try to strength train prior to conception and during pregnancy to the best of your ability and preferences. This helped A LOT because you are cautioned to avoid using your abdomen for movement. I depended on my arms and legs to move around in bed, off the couch/chair, out of the car, etc.
- Make sure to eat lots of nutritious food. Protein is huge for healing, and adequate calories are important for your body to function- especially because you will not be sleeping all that well in the beginning.
- Give yourself grace. Whatever recovery looks like for you, I want you to know YOU ARE AMAZING! Not only did you go through an extremely challenging physical event, but you also are required to give your attention to your baby as well- that is superwoman status right there! Hang in there, momma! Time will heal and you will feel like yourself again 💙
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! Send me a DM on Instagram @jess.kohlman 💌
Sending hugs your way!
XO Jess
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